Situational Readers, Anybody?

Does the smell of sunscreen versus the warm crackling in the fireplace alter your reading habits? I am quite interested to know your answer. During the months of hot sun and swimming pools I am drawn towards books about summer. Stories of summer camps, summer vacations, black-market lemonade dealers, or anything with a bright and […]

The Masterfully Written Vanderbeeker Characters

I started working on this post the day before the newest Vanderbeeker book came out. I was going to write it and post it that day and it would be ready and waiting for you when The Vanderbeekers Make a Wish came out. But clearly my plans didn’t work out. But all is well, because […]

2021 End of Year Book Awards

The end of one year comes and our favorite radio stations start handing out awards to music artists, the internet is packed full of the best photography from the year, and book organizations send out lists of the top books from the past year. When I got an email from Goodreads earlier in December with […]

28,649 Words. . .Sort of

I learned something interesting a few minutes ago. If I were on track for NaNoWriMo I would have written 36,674 words by the end of today. My first thought was, well I’m doomed. Second thought was this: I could still do it. Right? I just need to apparate to my productive writing forest wonderland and […]

Bookish Quote Roundup #1

When I first started my blog I experimented with “quote roundups”, where I would post a quote and explain why it spoke to me. I have always been a lover of words. The idea was a good one, so I tweaked it to better fit my blog’s bookish identity. I’m here again with a new […]