The Masterfully Written Vanderbeeker Characters

I started working on this post the day before the newest Vanderbeeker book came out. I was going to write it and post it that day and it would be ready and waiting for you when The Vanderbeekers Make a Wish came out. But clearly my plans didn’t work out.

But all is well, because it’s never too late for the Vanderbeekers!

One of my favorite, favorite things about Karina Yan Glaser’s Vanderbeeker books is how distinctive each character is. The whole family feels like a close-knit group — a team — but each character is unique and memorable in their own charming way.

There are certain objects in the books that directly relate to one individual character. When that specific item is mentioned there is no confusion about which character it is relating to. For instance, Jessie will probably never play the violin because that is Isa’s item. I find this really helpful as a reader to make every one of the Vanderbeeker siblings recognizable. I don’t get Laney confused for Hyacinth because the two sisters are so distinctly different. And even the twins are absolutely completely contrasting, yet they work so well together.

As a writer I try to implement this strategy with my own characters. I have found recently that my characters work a lot better and are more fun to figure out when I choose a distinctive object for my characters to be associated with. Then I can build other aspects of their character around those things. Like maybe if I have character who has a fascination with insects she might say that her neighbor looks like a grasshopper. She might collect bugs, carry ladybugs around on her finger, or insist on having three pairs of her bug leggings so she can always wear a pair even on laundry day.

Here are some of the things I think of when I think of the Vanderbeeker family. Hope you enjoy!

For Mama I always think cookies or some other yummy thing she’s baking up. One of my favorite things after reading one of the Vanderbeeker books is to go and find a recipe Mama makes in the story and try it out myself. It brings the book to life in a delicious way!


I can relate to all the Vanderbeeker siblings in different ways, but Isa has a special place in my heart because of her violin. I am a lover of violins, and I enjoy playing mine, although I don’t get to play in the quantity I once did because of my scoliosis but I enjoy it just as much. I love looking up songs Isa is playing in the books and trying them out myself. The written descriptions of Isa playing her violin come to life for me and I can feel the notes in my fingertips even as I read the words.


Jessie’s love for science makes me excited about space and the fascinating world around me. I always love to read about Jessie’s latest scientific interest and it plays into the story in neat ways. Jessie makes me want to pick up an astronomy book, or learn more about some random branch of science. Plus, her name is clearly great 😉


Basketball and books come to mind when I think of Oliver. Ask anyone who’s ever played basketball with me and you’ll learn how pathetic I am, but Oliver and I could get together for a chat about books. Oliver is so distinct and charming. He’s the sweet middle child who is an active little boy who loves books and hides candy in his beloved treehouse.


Hyacinth’s sweet quiet nature reminds me of my own little sister, and I think that’s why I love her character so much. Also like my sister she has a love for projects and animals. I was thinking about Hyacinth just the other day while I wandered through a craft store with my sister (she goes absolutely bonkers and makes a craft store even more fun than it already is). I love how Hyacinth always has a yarn project or other such craft that she brings with her anywhere she goes.


And lastly comes Laney, the youngest Vanderbeeker with a not-so-little personality. In fact, her personality is brimming with color and delight. I love how Laney’s clothes rarely match! Although I have never actually seen her outfits in person, the vivid depictions of her clashing leggings and shirts makes me laugh every time. Another thing I love about Laney is the unconditional love she has for her bunny. I had a bunny when I was little and she was the best pet I could ever imagine having.


If you haven’t checked out the Vanderbeeker books, make sure to add the series to your new years reading list! The latest book, The Vanderbeekers Make a Wish might be my favorite of the five books (but then again, book four was my favorite, but so was three and two, and definitely one!) so you should probably just go read them all! And if you’ve read these books I probably don’t have to tell you twice to go read it again.

What makes you think of the Vanderbeekers? Or any other distinctive characters you love and adore?

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