Conversation Topics With a Non-Reader Friend

My go-to conversation starter with people is one of the following:
“What’s the last great book you read?”
“What genres have you been into lately?”
“Tell me your favorite classic.”
“Which sidekick would you love to have as a friend?”
Or “Are you just dying to read the fifth False Prince book?” (I am. And it doesn’t even come out until OCTOBER!!!)

If you’re a fellow book nerd (Which you probably are if you are here — that is, unless you’re my a gracious relative who’s trying to be supportive or that non-reader friend who I sent the link to in an attempt to make them a reader) Anyways — back to being a book nerd. If you’re a fellow book nerd than you know that moment of confusion when someone tells you that they just don’t get into books that much.

Internaly you will probably feel like Buddy the Elf in the movie Elf when he learns that his dad is on the naughty list. “NNNNNOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!” (I couldn’t find the clip to add, so hopefully you know the scene)

Your first instinct is to tell them that they just haven’t found the right book (which I would argue is totally true) and start examining their sole to find out what book you should recommend. Unsure of what to recommend someone who hasn’t read much of anything, you will likely give them a list of a thousand books.

Here’s the problem: They probably aren’t going to care how many recommendations you give them. Even if you tell them it is SOOOOO good and that their life will not be complete until they read it, they probably won’t remember all those books you listed when they go home.

So, rather than let them leave the party only having heard about how much you loved a certain title or character, and still probably not the reader you had hoped they would be, find another topic to discuss.

Yes, I know; it’s going to be hard. Take a deep breath and let yourself be okay with your friend and their disinterest in books. Move on to another topic and both of you can go on with your life.

Because it can be hard to come up with another topic besides books, here are a few to get you started:


Maybe you both like movies. Compare movies instead of books. It’s an easy alternative to books.


Who doesn’t like music? This is another easy topic like movies.

Favorite Form of Water

Asking someone about their favorite type of water is actually a really funny question to bring up. It’s surprisingly interesting and can lead to other conversations.
And incase you’re wondering how many types of water there are, think beyond tap water, bottled, or well water. Other types of water include rain, the ocean, lakes, swimming pools, sprinklers, bubble bathes, snow, ect.

If you knew you couldn’t fail, what would you most want to try?

This is another interesting question to ask.

Favorite Color

Ask them what their favorite color is and if they think it describes their personality. Why or why not?


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